Sunday, July 18, 2010

Honeymoon, England II - Around Deal, etc., etc...

Neat little market. Thankfully, we're both wise enough travelers to know that the additional price they charge isn't worth it for the experience vs. the grocery store.

Here's a view from the beach looking back at the house. It's one of those big, white ones, but I can't remember which one.

Shot of the beach and the pier:

Speaking of the grocery store...the great thing about being in Europe is that even the most common large store will have a great selection of cheeses, meats, and beer and wine. At this Sainsbury's we picked up an good, aged cheese, some butter from a local farm, and some great ham. All of this we were able to get just enough cut for us to eat and sample a different kind later. Speaking of selection, I had quite a time trying to decide which beer I would have. My final selection will get its own post. While browsing, though, I saw this Czech beer, "Budweiser". It wasn't Budweiser, Budweiser, but it had the same name!

We decided on a mushroom risotto, which turned out quite nice, if I do say so myself. I used a bit of our champaign instead of the requisite white wine, and it worked perfectly.

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