Thursday, December 27, 2012

Matilda update

We had our final appointment in Wichita Falls today which included an ultrasound. Thankfully, there was nothing new to report. Of course this does not mean that there was any improvement in the heart, but no news is good news at this point.

January 9th we have an appointment with Dr. Roten, the pediatric cardiologist and Dr. Tam, the surgeon who would work on Matilda. From then we'll be on weekly appointments to Fort Worth (yay....).

Thank you all for your continued prayers.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Matilda update

Ännu en kontroll hos Dr Bleich i Ft Worth idag. Allt ser fortfarande så bra ut som det kan i det här skedet. Inga tecken på hjärtsvikt, och hon fortsätter att växa och vara aktiv. Vi är tacksamma över de goda beskeden och över att vi ser ut att få fira jul utan ytterligare bekymmer just nu.

We had another appointment with Dr Bleich in Ft Worth. Matilda is still doing pretty good. No signs of heart failure, and she is still very active and growing well. Thanks be to God!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Karelsk pirog

När det är många saker man inte kan köpa i butiken får man försöka lära sig att laga själv. Karelsk pirog är lätt när man risgrynsgröt kvar från gårdagens middag. Till jul ska det lagas morots- och kålrotslåda. Jag åt aldrig det när jag var hemma, men jag prövade att laga det min första jul här och det var så gott så det blir nog tradition att ha det på vårt julbord.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Advent and Merry Christmas from the Odoms!

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Gift from Elizabeth

Edith received a GREAT gift from her godmother Elizabeth the other day. She was very excited to open the box:

Curls and all:

The gift was a play set of the Nativity complete with a camel, donkey, lamb, shepherd, wise men, angel, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. First reaction:

Second, meniacle reaction:

Confusion about the donkey:

And then pure excitement: 

Thanks Elizabeth, she's really been enjoying this!
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Kristina put all of her organ-playing money towards a piano. We went a couple of weeks ago and played one at a very nice lady's house. It sounded great and the price was right, so we begged and pleaded for help moving it. Here is the unloading:

And here is Edith giving it a test run:
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Matilda update

Ultraljud idag igen, vilket igen inte visade något nytt. Matilda växer och mår så bra som hon kan i detta skede. Vi är så tacksamma över att vi fortfarande får ha henne hos oss. Nästa tisdag börjar vecka 30 - sista fjärdedelen av graviditeten. Snart måste vi börja åka till Ft Worth på kontroll varje vecka, vilket blir mindre roligt.

Another ultrasound today, which showed nothing new. Matilda is still growing well and showing no signs of heart failure. Next week I'm in week 30, and soon we'll have lots of appointments in Ft Worth. Not looking forward to that, but thankful to still have Matilda with us.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Matilda update

We had another visit with our usual specialist, Dr. Bleich today. She was pleased and encouraged by the cardiologist's report. She was also pleased with Matilda's growth, which is normal and good. Her heart (right atrium) is still very large, but doesn't seem like it's growing at the same rate. Of course, this doesn't mean that it's shrunk, but that her body is growing and, it seems, the heart growth rate slowing slightly. We think/hope. Thankfully, we don't have another visit to Fort Worth until the 21st of December, which is a great blessing. The trips are becoming very tiring.

So, all in all, no news is good news! Above is a video of the ultrasound that they did today. Starting around 2:00, you can see the size of the heart and, more sweetly, Matilda's face. There are more images of the face later on in the video.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Edith's 1st Birthday!!!

Edith turned one year old yesterday. The day began by opening gifts from family in Finland. Here's a book of Mamma Mu from Paul and Johanna (Edith's uncle/future aunt):


Skyping with family in Finland:

Next was Skyping and opening gifts from family in Alabama. Here's a Bama hoodie from Famo and Fafa: 

She also got a babydoll, which was a bit confusing at first:

But she figured it out quickly:

Very cute birthday dress we received from the Gregorys on her baptism last year. She's just now big enough to wear it: 

Kristina made a delicious strawberry cake/tort thing. It's amazing and one of my, I mean Edith's, favorite things: 

Blowing out the candle! 

Some friends from Grace came over and gave her a "church gift" (the pastor disagrees that it's appropriate for church): 
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New friends and Thanksgiving

Edith has a couple of new friends from the Wirgaus just down the road. Here's Jude and Edith playing…Jude is COMPLETELY FOCUSED on that toy:

SoRena (on left) and Emma (middle). Don't they look so old:

Sam and DoRena Wirgau and the kids were able to come over for our first hosting of Thanksgiving:

There was also quite a bit of food present:
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Edith - Big girl

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Gift from Mommo and Mofa

Edith received a great hat and some homemade porcupine mittens from her Mommo and Mofa:


She also received a neat Moomin book that had a mirror at the back. This was her favorite part:

I have no idea what is going on here:
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