Tiden går och vi har kommit till vecka 33. Idag hade vi ny kontroll hos kardiologen och fick samtidigt också träffa hjärtkirurgen. Matilda lever, växer och visar fortfarande inga tecken på hjärtsvikt. Hennes hjärta fortsätter dock att växa och är nu 75 % av bröstkorgen. Lungorna är därför väldigt små och det är mycket osäkert om det finns tillräckligt frisk lungvävnad för att hon ska klara sig. Det kommer klarna först när hon är född. Hon kommer att behöva respiratorvård för att blåsa upp lungorna och försöka få dem att fungera. Om det lyckas, ska hon opereras efter 2-3 dagar (och förstås senare i livet om allt går bra). Så Matilda fortsätter att överraska oss alla. Ingen hade trott att hon skulle leva så här länge. Hennes hjärta är större och lungorna mindre än någon av läkarna har sett. Hennes hjärtfel är också mycket ovanligt. På det här stora barnsjukhuset ser de bara ett barn per år med samma fel. Vi har verkligen blivit välsignade med en ovanlig baby, men trots all oro och sorg, skulle vi inte vilja vara utan henne. Vi är tacksamma för alla böner, och behöver dem också i fortsättningen.
We are now in week 33 and today we had another appointment with the cardiologist, Dr Roten, and we were also able to meet with the surgeon, Dr Tam. Matilda is still alive and growing, and shows no signs of heart failure. The right atrium keeps growing though, and the size is of the heart is now an enormous 75 % of the chest cavity. Because of this, the lungs are very small and it is uncertain whether there will be enough healthy lung tissue for her to survive. We will have to wait until she is born to see how the lungs are doing, but she will need to be intubated and put on a ventilator to expand the lungs and try to get them to function. If that works, she will need surgery on her heart after 2-3 days (and more later if everything goes well). So our little Matilda continues to surprise everyone. No one had thought she would still be alive. Her heart is larger and lungs smaller than any of the doctors have seen before. Her heart defect is also very rare (especially in combination with Down Syndrome) - they only see one of these per year at Cook Childrens' Hospital, which is very little considering how big the hospital is. We have truly been blessed with a very unique child, and despite the heartache and worries, we would not want to be without her. Thanks for all your prayers, and please continue to pray for us. We need them all!
We are now in week 33 and today we had another appointment with the cardiologist, Dr Roten, and we were also able to meet with the surgeon, Dr Tam. Matilda is still alive and growing, and shows no signs of heart failure. The right atrium keeps growing though, and the size is of the heart is now an enormous 75 % of the chest cavity. Because of this, the lungs are very small and it is uncertain whether there will be enough healthy lung tissue for her to survive. We will have to wait until she is born to see how the lungs are doing, but she will need to be intubated and put on a ventilator to expand the lungs and try to get them to function. If that works, she will need surgery on her heart after 2-3 days (and more later if everything goes well). So our little Matilda continues to surprise everyone. No one had thought she would still be alive. Her heart is larger and lungs smaller than any of the doctors have seen before. Her heart defect is also very rare (especially in combination with Down Syndrome) - they only see one of these per year at Cook Childrens' Hospital, which is very little considering how big the hospital is. We have truly been blessed with a very unique child, and despite the heartache and worries, we would not want to be without her. Thanks for all your prayers, and please continue to pray for us. We need them all!
Praying for all of you every day! We love you and ask God's richest blessings on you, especially little Matilda. So thankful our Lord, the Creator is in complete control and His grace is sufficient for each day.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to sign my name on that last post.
DeleteAunt Leah
Karl and I continue to pray for Matilda and for your whole family. I agree, despite the heartache and worry I would not have wanted to be without Christian. He was a special little boy that touched many people and Matilda is also a special little girl touching many people. God at work, and it is amazing!