Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Matilda surgery update

Today was long and hard. They took Matilda in at 8:30 a.m. and finished at about 7:30 this evening. The surgeon successfully completed the procedures he wanted to do, but Matilda did not react well to being removed from the bypass machine that was being used to pump her blood so they could work on her heart. So they've had to put her on ECMO, which is a complicated machine that you can read about online. We're thankful that she survived the surgery, but we can't stress enough that she is still in extremely critical condition and is in the ICU. The next 48 hours will be very rocky. We have decided to only update the blog once in the morning to let you all (our dear friends and family!!!) know how the evening went, and once in the evening to let you all know how the day went.

The doctors and nurses have been amazing as has Rev. Ryan Ogrodowicz, who has been providing much needed pastoral care for our family.


  1. I lift you up in prayer, Weslie - you and Kristina and precious little Matilda. I pray that God would give you grace and trust in Him, Whose will is wiser than ours, and remove the worries and anxious fears that would otherwise crush you. God bless you. I appreciate the updates, and will be thinking of you.

  2. Praying for peace and strength and healing for all of you today.
